Saturday, October 04, 2008

A Major Award

This past Thursday I came home from work and had a voice mail from my apartment manager. I had won a major award. Well okay.. THEY called it the door prize, but I like to think of it as my major award.

Anyway, I went on Friday morning and picked it up, and it was a gift certificate to a restaurant I had never heard of called Beef O'Brady. (The receptionist at work said that sounded like the name of an Irish porn star.) Anyway, I picked it up and took it in to work and pulled it out of the envelope, and immediately noticed something odd about it.

Have a look. Its the story of my life.


Jess said...

Seriously, that is like the funniest thing would be a PERFECT white elephant gift!

Parlancheq said...

Consider it a good thing. Eating at a place called Beef O'Brady sounds scary.