Thursday, June 12, 2008

And She's Off!

I'm flying out to Oklahoma in the morning to go meet my newly sprogged grandchild. I will be there approximately 6 days and I may or may not get to post whilst I'm away. I am in the middle, as I type, of trying to convince The Handsome JC to guest blog for me, but he sounds less than enthusiastic about it, so I won't hold my breath. I mean really.. how hard is it to type something profound and utterly brilliant on a daily basis?

Anyway, I will post if I can, but if not I will be back quicker than the ex boyfriend could jump at meaningless sex.

In the meantime, here is a video for your viewing pleasure. I bet all of you know someone just like this.


Odat said...

I think I like Bobby. :-)

And have fun seeing your new lil one!!!!!! Safe trip!!!

Jess said...

Where are you?! My morning is totally boring without you! I can already tell I am not going to like this whole moving away thing. Not. One. BIT.