Saturday, July 07, 2007

Last Night

The Handsome JC and I went to the movie last night. We went to see Transformers, the movie. I have mentioned sometime in the past my sentimental bond with the Transformers.. any mom to a little boy more than likely will feel this way. My son (who is now 16), absolutely adored anything Transformers, but his favorite was Beast Wars.

Anyway, when JC suggested a movie last night, the first thing I thought was that I would like to see Transformers. I really really enjoyed that movie. It was very exciting, the effects were very good, the kid who played the lead was a scream, and the car who chooses that kid was very cool (I want a car like that). The scene where the kid is being faced with a misunderstanding mother is sooooooo damn funny.

I tend to rate movies by DVD worthiness... are they good enough to buy when they come out on DVD? This one is a definite YES.


The CEO said...

I'm glad you wrote this review. I was wondering if this was going to be worth seeing.

Deb said...

I would definitely recommend it. I would not, however, recommend that you drink a large diet coke at the beginning of the movie, as it runs rather long (the movie, not the coke) and I missed a crucial 5 minutes of the big battle scene whilst on my trek to the bathroom.