Sunday, November 19, 2006

Trivia Time!

"She's my Rushmore, Max."

For 5,233 points, tell me where the above quote is from. For an extra 189 points, tell me who said it.


Crankster is the lucky winner of 5,233 points, as well as the 189 bonus points. These points are redeemable for a free meal at Waffle House*.

The answer, of course, is Rushmore (now don't you guys feel silly, the answer was in the question), and the person saying it was Bill Murray's character. Rushmore is one of my favorite movies, very quirky... I seem to like very quirky, which is probably why I like all of you guys. (HAHAHAAA)

Anyway, Congratulations to the Crankster!

*No Waffle House Restaurants are actually participating in this contest, said free meal is redeemable only at the Waffle House on Abercorn Street in Savannah, and only if I am informed in advance so I can meet you there to pay for it. ;-)


Crankster said...

It's from Rushmore, a Wes Anderson movie. It was said by Bill Murray's character.

mist1 said...

Are points redeemable for prizes?

Crankster said...

Well, now I've got a reason to come to Savannah. You know, apart from the fact that I really want to see it.