I heard a great story today. This is the kind of thing I only hear about in passed around emails, but I'm never sure how true or accurate the stories are. This one I heard from someone who was there and witnessed it.
Last night at a local Italian restaurant, there was a group of soldiers just back from Iraq. They were celebrating their return home with a lot of food and a lot of beer. Their tab ran well over $300. When they were ready to pay their bill, they were informed that someone from a neighboring table had already paid their entire tab, including the tip, as a thank you for what they had done in Iraq. They wanted to thank the person, but the generous soul had already left. Nobody knows who he is, except him.
I thought that was a wonderfully generous thing to do. I'm glad to know that people like this do still exist.
It was me...You found me out...
A saint among men you are. I didn't know you were in Savannah last night.. and you didn't even call. Typical.
Ok...I totally hate blogger beta! HATE IT. I tried to leave an awesome comment but it logged me in under my "Hmm...let me set up a new blog under blogger beta to see if I like it first and if I don't then I won't switch just yet cause that's the smart thing to do" beta blogger name which doesn't really link back to me and isn't under a name that I'm proud to admit. So...now my witty fun comment is gone...GONE!
But it lives on forever in my email in box.
Hmm...then you and I can share that knowing look everytime we hear the answering machine pick up...It will do its little "BEEEeeeeeP" noise and you and I will turn to look at each other and giggle just a little. Everyone else will not understand and we will laugh just a bit more for being oh so fun!
Okay that works for me.
But I do not stink.
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