Monday, March 13, 2006


What the....?

Many Newfoundlanders aren't laughing over news an Edmonton police officer cited someone's status as a "newphie'' as a reason for apprehension under the Mental Health Act.

I'm torn between being offended and being amused. (Being half Newfie, get it?? *snort*)


Odat said...

I don't get it....
(even tho "humor explained, isn't", could ya splain please?)
Then once you tell me, am I going to slap myself on the forehead?

Deb said...

Well its like this, Newfoundlanders (Newfies) are considered kind of ummmm... stupid....... by a lot of Canada. I'm not sure why really, I just know that if you tell someone in Canada that you are Newfie, most times they snicker and say ahhhh, that explains it. lol

Odat said...

then i must be half newfie!!!!!

Sassan Sanei said...

Wow that's pretty bad, like racial profiling. The Record is our local paper by the way, but I missed that story. I would have liked them to elaborate a bit on what they meant by reason for apprehension under the Mental Health Act - as written, it suggests that was the sole reason - I'm sure there's more to it than that. But still not acceptable.